Climate Change has affected our lives through the burning of fossil fuels, through deforestation, through the fertilisers used in agriculture and most importantly transport. Countries that are affected most by climate change are Australia, Bangladesh, Sudan and many more. Climate change is affecting our lives in three ways that are:

  1. Health: The burning of fossil fuels have been a risk to the environment. Doctors have also reminded about the consequences from the fossil fuels. The problem that arises from the burning of fossil fuels are respiratory diseases like asthma which are quite dangerous and happen in adults and children. This happens because of the fossil fuel emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect. As per the WHO, 7 million people die every year due to the air pollution. Due to these carbon emissions constantly heating the planet can also cause severe damage to the body and mind. We have all heard of heat strokes and what happens, but as the temperature heats up issues like stress and anxiety even arise. Lightening strikes and tornadoes can cause infections and injuries and even death.
  2. Food: Climate change has affected the food we eat and this is all because of the fossil fuels that mix up with the carbon dioxide in the air and has made the fruits and vegetables less nutritious. This is all making the plants grow less in calcium, protein and other essential vitamins. Researchers have researched that this can become a problem in the future if not stopped now. It could affect our diet.
  3. Home: Climate change has also moved many communities due to the rise in the sea level and this is because of the glaciers that melt and rises the water level of the oceans. Due to the rise of the water level flooding happens which then destroy people’s houses, hospitals and everything else. People with low income and also immigrants lose their homes.

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